Thursday, July 2, 2009

Exotic Foods Report: Duck Tongue

The other day a friend ordered take-out from Taiwan Cafe and one of the dishes was something I had never tried before - duck tongue braised in soy sauce and basil. I guess the concept had always grossed me out, but I'm usually willing to try most foods at least once, so I obliged.

If you like chicken feet, the texture of duck tongue may not seem that foreign to you. The texture of the "skin" around the "bone" of the tongue reminds me of chicken feet. Yes, it's quite odd, but the duck tongue has a bone that sort of become cartilage near the end.

Although the flavor of the dish was quite tasty (similar to three-cup chicken), I realized that I probably would have enjoyed the dish more if it weren't tongue. I think it's a bit psychological - oh well. If you are brave enough to try duck tongue, I think Taiwan Cafe is one of the few restaurants in Boston that offers this exotic dish.

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