Sunday, August 30, 2009

Keroppi Chocolate

I made these chocolates as part of a larger Japanese character based meal titled "Kyaraben on Steroids" featured in Foodbuzz's 24-24-24 in August 2009. Click here to see the entire meal.

To emulate his colors, I made "green" chocolate by melting white chocolate over a double boiler and then adding food coloring to it. Unfortunately, white chocolate does not melt as easily in the microwave, and I actually burned my white chocolate when I tried. Soooo . . I had to use my improvised " double boiler" (aka a metal bowl inside a pot of boiling water).
I made these Keroppi chocolates from a mold, which I bought years ago. So, I'm not sure if they are available anymore. Using the mold, here's what I did next.

Place the white chocolate chips as his eyes:
Add the green chocolate and then refrigerate for about 30 minutes.


  1. hi, what kind of food colouring did you use? liquid? paste? powder? i've heard chocolate can't be coloured with paste or liquid colours because the chocolate will seize.

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    I just bought the tiny tubes of color that comes in gel form. You see it near the colored frosting area. I only put about a drop or two - that's all you need to color the batch of white chocolate.
