Sunday, October 11, 2009

Spreading the Blog Love

Thank you, The Hungry Dog, for awarding Tiny Urban Kitchen the "One Lovely Blog" Award.  This is the first blog award I have ever received! Thank you for your kind words.

This is what Hungry dog, from San Francisco, wrote: "I like the way Jen writes about Boston; it really makes me want to go there."
In the spirit of continually spreading the blog love, I've listed below some blogs I enjoy reading.  Here are the rules for the "One Lovely Blog" award:
  • Link to the person from whom you’ve received the award.
  • Nominate blogs you really like, preferably ones you have recently discovered
  • Leave a message on the nominees’ blogs telling them of their award!
Here are some blogs I really enjoy reading:

AnnaTheRed's Bento Factory
Anna is an amazing artist and makes the most intricate bentos for her boyfriend.  If you love Japanese anime and Japanese food, you will love Anna's blog.  She's was totally my inspiration for my "Kyaraben On Steroids" post.

Wasabi Prime
Denise of Wasabi Prime is an incredible cook, and I am always amazed at how skilled she is at coming up with creative recipes using random stuff in her fridge.  She also takes gorgeous photos, and writes great reviews of Seattle restaurants. She's got a great, witty writing style that will really keep you entertained.

Take Thou Food
Sean of Take Thou Food is a 2nd year pharmacy student studying in Atlanta. He offers an interesting perspective of what it's like to live as a student and be a food enthusiast at the same time.  He's really impressive! Who else prepares bone marrow at home for himself for his birthday?  Or tries Thomas Keller's version of the BLT and writes it Gordon Ramsey style?  I love it.  His blog offers an interesting mix of Asian home cooking, recipe experiments from famous chefs, and reviews of local restaurants.  His tone is funny, friendly, and totally approachable.

Candice Cooks
Candice from Candice Cooks is a Boston local, just like me!  I love reading her impressions of the local Boston food scene, especially all her photos of the farmers markets that she visits.  Her posts are funny, warm, and personal.  I love the little stories that she interweaves into her food posts.

Ravenous Couple: Cooking Up Life
Hong and Kim from Ravenous Couple have an absolutely gorgeous blog complete with amazing pictures and really cool recipes.  Their focus is Southeast Asian, which I love because that's an aspect of Asian cooking with which I am not as familiar.

Taste As You Go
Michelle from Taste As You Go has an interesting background.  She studied music history in graduate school, currently lives in New York City, and is an avid runner.  Her blog highlights interesting restaurants and events around New York City.  She also shares about her cooking experiments and she often features guest bloggers.  Michelle is an avid tweeter, and her tweets are personal, fun, and interesting to follow.

Just Bento
Maki from Just Bento writes a very informative and comprehensive blog about bento making.  I also relied on her blog a lot when working on my Kyaraben On Steroids post.  She posts useful tips for bento making, pictures of bentos she makes, countless recipes, and book reviews.  This is one the main go-to blogs if you have any questions about bento making.

La Prochaine Fois
Cathy from La Prochaine Fois is originally from Texas but currently is living in France.  Her blog has a ton of beautiful photography laid out in a creative, artistic fashion.  I really just love scrolling through her photos and admiring the incredible pictures of food, landscapes, tiny details, and people.  She finds art in day-to-day life and is able to bring out the beauty in anything she photographs. 

The Cooking of Joy
Joy is a witty writer, and she chooses cool and interesting recipes to share.  Being Taiwanese, a lot of Joy's recipes have an Asian twist, but by no means do they all.  Some interesting things she's made include moffles (mochi waffles), red bean and black sesame ice cream, bulgolgi dumplings, and French macarons.  Her photos are really nice and her instructions are detailed, clear, and really helpful!  She hasn't posted in awhile, but I really hope she continues to post, because I love reading her blog posts!

Hope you enjoy reading all of these new blogs!


  1. Thanks Jen! Hope to see you there at the conference! *wink*

  2. hello! thank you so much for your nice words, and the award as well! and your photo of the sunset, with the kayak... gorgeous!

  3. Oh wow, thank you SO MUCH for this. Totally brightened my week. Thank you thank you thank you. I must spread the blog love as well!

  4. Congratulations on your award! I'm so digging your blog as well! Excited to check out these other blogs that you have mentioned.

  5. I can't believe I thanked you on Twitter for this award but didn't remember to leave a comment here! Thanks so much for passing this along to me/Taste As You Go. I've really enjoyed getting to know you more as a blogger and can't wait to see what you come up with next!
