Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blog Away Hunger - Haiti Campaign

Some of you might remember that I joined the Blog Away Hunger campaign back in January.  What is it?  A group of bloggers coming together and agreeing to donate a portion of their ad revenue towards the Haiti Relief effort.

In my previous post, I pledged to donate 5x my ad revenue for the months of January and February to the American Red Cross.  Furthermore, the company I work for has offered to match my donation dollar for dollar (if made by Feb. 12, 2010), resulting in a total effective donation amount of 10x my ad revenue for the months of January and February.*

Thank you so much for all your support!  I couldn't believe it, but my traffic these last two months has been higher than it has ever been.  Thank you!

I am pleased to report that I donated $750 to the American Red Cross on February 11, 2010.  My company is offering to match that amount, equaling a total of $1500 to the Haiti Effort.

If you are a blogger and want to donate your ad revenue as well, check out the Help Haiti Campaign over at Blog Away Hunger.  The campaign has been extended since Haiti will need help for months to come.  

If you want to make a much more direct impact, please donate directly.  I urge you to give unrestricted funds (instead of earmarking them for Haiti specifically).  This allows the organizations as much flexibility as possible to use the funds where they needed most.

Thanks so much for your support.


*Because my company had a deadline of Feb 12, 2010 for the match, I projected what my revenue would be for the entire month of February (based on current activity) and then I rounded up, factoring for potential growth. :)


  1. Impressive! Congratulations on successfully executing this fund raising effort!

  2. Congratulations! Thanks for being so generous and charitable!

  3. Congratulations! Haiti needs our help more than ever and your contribution is heartwarming!
