Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pomegranate Martini

Pomegranate Liqueur

I got a cocktail shaker as a wedding present 8 years ago. I really meant to pick it up and try to make something. But somehow we got lazy. Instead of mixing our drinks, we would just keep the vodka in the freezer and make dirty martinis by mixing the really cold vodka with some olive juice and an olive. It seemed to work OK, actually.

Finally, about a week ago, the folks at PAMA offered to send me some samples of PAMA Pomegranate liqueur.  I was intrigued.  I'm not a huge drinker, but I do love the tart, refreshing taste of pomegranate.  Furthermore, pomegranate is chock full of vitamins and antioxidants.  I decided to try to make a simple pomegranate martini, since I generally don't like drinks that are too sweet.

Pomegranate liqueurI received my shipment a few days ago and decide to finally take out that cocktail shaker!

PAMA Martini
2 oz. PAMA Pomegranate Liqueur
1 oz. Premium Vodka
1/4 oz. Orange Flavored Liqueur

I couldn't believe how easy it was to mix a drink.  Fill with ice, pomegranate liqueur, vodka, and shake!  Pour out through the cool top (which has holes so the ice stays behind), and finish off with a squirt of lime.

Bryan thought the drink was OK, but not super exciting.  It could be because I did not have orange liqueur on hand and therefore could not follow the recipe exactly.  Or maybe it was it was too much of a girly drink. I'm sure the cocktail would have tasted better with the right ingredients!

I thought the liqueur straight up was pretty tasty.  It's not too sweet, and definitely has that nice fruity and zingy tang of a pomegranate.  I may just drink the rest straight up, or maybe with some sparkling water over ice.

Of course, the lovely ruby red color makes it perfect for the upcoming holidays. Valentine's Day is obvious, but even Chinese New Year has red all over it.  Come to think of it, you could even have some on President's Day, along with some white and blue liqueurs.

OK, I'm getting carried away.  Have a wonderful weekend full of all the holidays!


  1. i'll take 3 please! hehe...sounds great! we got a shaker too, that we registered for, and i've yet to use's only been 9 months, but maybe i should give i a whirl!!

  2. Oh my goodness -- BEAUTIFUL photo. And the drink sounds both refreshing and dangerous, as I know I'd be like "bartender... I'll have a fourth... or is it fifth..?" A good shaker is fab and definitely a Hawthorn strainer. I heard a good tip that if you pull out the spring of the Hawthorn and throw it into your shaker, it'll act like a mini whisk to help if you're mixing a drink that has egg whites.
