Thursday, July 1, 2010

Japanese Food Art

I've been a bit busy this week, and thus haven't had as much time to write up extensive blog posts. I did want to share something with you today to make you smile.
I love Doraemon, the Japanese cat-robot. I once even made him into a Japanese rice ball. These are Doraemon cakes from 7-11 that my mom brought all the way back from Taiwan. Aren't they cute?
Domo Eating Rice
I also love Domokun, the little Japanese brown monster that's NHK's mascot. I even made him into hamburgers awhile back. I thought it was cute that he was eating a bowl of rice with chopsticks. Fitting for a food blog, right? According to the NHK official website, Domo's favorite food is actually a Japanese beef potato stew. I love this dish too, although I've only seen it and had it in Boston at one particular Japanese restaurant.
Domo bags
At one point, I was so obsessed with Domokun that I sewed a bunch of Domo-themed bags for myself!

If you go to NHK's official Domokun site, you can play these games and then download some really cute wallpapers and clocks.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Doraemon - squee! I love him so much :) Those cakes are far too cute to eat!

  2. Chubbychinesegirl888July 1, 2010 at 11:47 AM

    soo cute!!!!!! almost too cute to eat =)

  3. What flavor are the Doraemon cakes? They're super cute! I love Domokun too!! I dragged my friends to the NHK studio in Tokyo just so I could get a stuffed animal from there. I find it interesting how Domokun is popping up in the U.S. in ad campaigns, though people don't really know who or what he's all about. Like in 7-11 and Target he's on huge posters and notebooks, etc.

  4. I think the Doraemon cakes are just plain flavored. They remind me of the outside pancake of a dorayaki, but I'm not sure if it's the same.

  5. Usually, the outside is like a plain pancake, and it's filled with sweet azuki-bean paste.

  6. Thanks for putting a big smile on my face. These are all soooo adorable. I can't help but feel happy looking at them. ;)

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