Thursday, September 2, 2010

[VIDEO] Rice Crispy Critters and Sushi

Look Ma! I'm on television!

OK, not exactly . . . but I got to make my first video a few weeks ago! How2Heroes, a Cambridge-based company with an excellent "How To" site devoted to food-related instructional videos, contacted me several weeks ago and asked whether I would be interested in making a video about my cute little rice crispy treats.
Wow, real live cameramen right in my own kitchen? They really use those clapboards like you see in the movies! I felt like a movie star!
I was so nervous. I've never been on TV for anything, let alone a tutorial for how to cook things. Heck, I don't even watch that much TV, so I'm not even sure how to act like a food TV personality.
The people at How2Heroes were super friendly and really put me at ease. They were so encouraging, and they even helped me take some of these photos. Thanks guys!
It was really easy to relax and just have fun, which is exactly what I did.

Check out the video (embedded below). For some reason, this version is a little distorted. If you want to see a higher-res non-distorted version, check out the video directly from the How2Heroes website.

For more information about the recipes in the video, check out the following pages:
Totoro Rice Crispy Treats
Hello Kitty Rice Crispy Treats
Sushi Rice Crispy Treats

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