Monday, May 2, 2011


Bryan's family is from Southern California, so every Christmas we get the privilege of  enjoying a week of sunshine before returning to snow-piled-high Boston for the rest of the winter.

The past several Christmases, we never failed to seek out and visit (multiple times) the nearest Pinkberry we could find (usually about 7 miles away). Although I've tried many other frozen yogurt places, for some reason I have always liked Pinkberry the best.

Perhaps it's the bright, crisp yogurt flavor or the high quality of their fresh cut fruit. Whatever the reason, I always looked forward to Pinkberry as a treat - a once a year indulgence during my annual holiday trek out to California.

Imagine my sheer excitement when I found out that Pinkberry was finally coming to Boston! Not only that, a location just opened up right in Harvard Square a couple weeks ago.

Of course I was super excited when I found out the great news. Better yet, I had the wonderful privilege of attending the launch party, where frozen yogurt flowed and flowed. I've always been a fan of the plain yogurt (I actually most prefer it without any toppings! yes, call me boring, but I'm a purist). At times I'll venture out and get mochi or kiwi topping, which I like quite a bit as well.

Unlike me, most people love toppings, and the norm is to try several. You can be healthy and pick between a huge variety of fresh cut fruit. Or, if you prefer, there's no shortage of candy, crushed cookies, or various types of cereal from which to choose.
Mochi, pomegranate, and mango

I tried their new parfait, which mixes yogurt with granola and fruit. I have always been a huge fan of normal yogurt parfait, so of course I enjoyed this unique Pinkberry version.

Pinkberry was also introducing Lychee, their newest flavor. Although I thought it was pretty good, I still stand by the plain yogurt as my all-time favorite flavor.My friend actually thought the lychee was too tart and much preferred the plain yogurt which, ironically, was labeled as "tart."

All in all, I totally think Harvard Square can support several more ice cream/frozen yogurt places (still mourning the loss of my favorite ice cream place from Harvard Square). The more the merrier!

Welcome to the neighborhood Pinkberry!!!

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