Saturday, November 5, 2011

Post Project Food Blog - What's next?

I can’t believe it’s already been a year since that period in my life where a particular contest consumed me, took over my thoughts, and essentially guided my weekends for 3 months. (!) What could I be talking about? Of course, none other than Foodbuzz’s first Project Food Blog competition.

How have things changed?

I find it funny that I’ve been asked more than once, “so, what does it feel like to be famous?” I  always chuckle because, to be honest, life hasn’t changed that much. I’m still excitedly taking pictures every time I cook or eat out. I still spend way too many hours processing pictures in my little study. I still seek out new restaurantscool new ingredients, and interesting eating opportunities. I still travel when I can, and I don’t hesitate to share with you those unique eating experiences.

I would hardly say I’m famous. I certainly don’t feel famous.

I mean, sure, maybe a few more people recognize the name of my blog (compared to before), especially if they were following the contest. Once in a blue moon someone (locally) might recognize me and come up to me to congratulate me. Other than that, however, life is pretty much the same.
*   *   *
Well, perhaps there has been one thing on my mind lately.
Boston Rescue Mission
I had shared during my previous post-Project Food Blog post that I was planning on giving away the prize winnings to charity.

This is something that’s been constantly churning in my mind the last 10 months. I’ve pondered over how to use the money; I’ve also tried to think hard about how to incorporate the donation into the blog.

After much thought, I have decided to partner with the Boston Rescue Mission this holiday season. I plan on donating $10,000, and hope I can raise an additional $10,000. (!)Boston Rescue Mission
Here’s just a tiny background on the Boston Rescue Mission.

The Boston Rescue Mission (located right in Downtown Crossing in Boston) provides emergency shelter, food, and detox programs for those struggling with addiction problems. Their ultimate goal? - to overcome the root causes of homelessness. They’ve been around since 1899. Boston Rescue Mission Christmas
I got to know the Boston Rescue Mission through my many interactions with them. Some of you may remember from my last Project Food Blog post that I sing a cappella. My a cappella group sings at the Boston Rescue Mission Friday evening service every couple months.
Boston Rescue Mission
More recently, I started volunteering at the Boston Rescue Mission's "Sunday Community Dinner." Together with a few people from my church, we design a menu, execute it, and cook for 100-150 people! (More on that in a later post!).
Billy O
It's been an incredible experience getting to know the people we serve. I can't wait to share some of that with you in the coming posts.

I have many, many exciting Giveaways planned in the next 2 months as I kick off this fundraising event. I’ve got loads of wonderful prizes that many businesses have graciously donated in support for this fundraiser.

Stay tuned!

We'll keep a running total of all the donations from Tiny Urban Kitchen supporters. If you'd like to contribute to this cause and donate, I would be thrilled. I will be over the moon if we reach our $10,000 goal.

To donate, please click here and click on the 2011 Tiny Urban Kitchen fundraiser box.

Boston Rescue Mission

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