Saturday, February 25, 2012

S'mores by the Fire + Giveaway!

I absolutely cannot believe it's already February and there's not a speck of snow on the ground.

I swear, I've never, ever experienced a winter like this before. In many ways, it's absolutely wonderful not to have to deal with slushy sidewalks, slippery driveways, and salt-laden shoes. On the other hand, I feel like we missed a season somehow.

It feels weird, and I'm starting to think I'm a seasons kind of gal, someone who actually enjoys the changes in the weather throughout the year. I wonder how I would fare in a place where weather never changes?

In any event, I'm still loving this mild weather we've been having. I couldn't ask for a nicer, gentler way of being initiated into the joys of traditional homeownership (shoveling, salting sidewalks, high heating bills, etc.). Perhaps we'll be in for a shock next winter.

Despite the fact that it's "mild" outside, the evenings still get chilly. Our new house has a fireplace, something I've never had the privilege of owning.

This past Valentine's Day I did something different. Bryan was out of town on a business trip, so I invited a couple of friends over, and we had a quiet girls' night in.

I did have a moment of panic because I had bought marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate, but did not have skewers on which to roast the marshmallows! Then I remembered the handy-dandy grill set that Mr. Bar-B-Q sent to me to test out a couple months ago. (I had used them to make grilled skirt steak tacos).

I pulled it out and - viola! Shish kabob sticks that would double perfectly as marshmallow roasting sticks! The cool serrated edge spatula worked pretty well at holding graham crackers and chocolate!

We made s'mores, talked about life, and just enjoyed soaking in the warmth of the fire.

It was one of the most relaxing nights I've had in a long time.

Happy February!

Nom nom nom

Mr. Bar-B-Q has offered to giveaway one barbecue tool set to a lucky Tiny Urban Kitchen reader! Just "like" them on facebook and comment below letting me know your facebook name (so we can confirm that you follow them). Of course, you're welcome to tell me your favorite way to use a fireplace or a campfire! I'm a newbie at this fireplace thing, so I'd love to hear your stories and suggestions!

Giveaway opens today and ends Friday, March 2, 2012. One entry per person; US shipping addresses only.

Good luck!

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