Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bouchon Beverly Hills

This is part 4 of the Los Angeles Eating Adventures Series. The other posts in this series include Peking RestaurantScoops Westside, and Sushi Zo

It seems fitting that on Oreo's 100th birthday (OK, I'm technically late by a day or two), I have a post that prominently displays Thomas Keller's version of this delicious cookie, the TKO ("Thomas Keller Oreo).

I really love the concept of the chocolate sandwich cookie. Cookies & cream has always been one of my all time favorite ice cream flavors. In fact, there was a time when I used to carry around crushed Oreo cookies with me just in case I happened to need it.

Not surprisingly, the first time I tried Thomas Keller's version, I completely fell in love. So enamored, I began to hunt locally for a similar cookie. I tried making my own. Though the homemade cookie is a valiant substitute, it still wasn't quite the same.

It still looked like I could only enjoy this cookie sporadically, whenever I visited New York.

Then, this past Christmas while in LA with Bryan's parents, I unexpectedly stumbled upon a snowman shaped TKO.

My jaw dropped. There's a Bouchon in LA?

Up until this point, I really though I had visited every single Bouchon Bakery in the world.

There's the original one in Yountville (right down the street from The French Laundry). Then there's one in Las Vegas inside the Venetian. In New York there are two: One in the Time Warner Building in Columbus Circle and one in Rockefeller Center (right across the Good Morning America studios where I saw Brad Pitt behind glass).

And I thought that was it.

I had no idea there was one in Beverly Hills.

How could I miss this one? Are there others of which I am not aware?

Most Bouchon Bakeries are pretty similar, so I won't repeat myself here. You can read all my other Bouchon posts to get a sense of the bakery. Instead, I'll share some holiday specific bakery items they were selling at the time.

Aren't these snowflake cookies adorable?

That's an expensive Buche de Noel, maybe because of the gold? I think it's cute there's a little chocolate macaron on top. It is supposed to be a mushroom?

How could I resist? Of course I bought some cute snowman TKOs. Sadly, the family dog got a hold of them and I never got to eat any of it!! At least I snapped a photo before they were devoured! :(

Holiday decorations on Rodeo Drive.

Someday. Someday there will be one in Boston, I hope?

Bouchon Bakery
235 N Canon Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Bouchon Bakery on Urbanspoon

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