Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Jen & Bryan at Rockport, 1997

I've noticed something that my parents always told me when I was younger.

As you get older, it's so true - time just flies by faster and faster and faster.

I'm really shocked that it's already been a year since that day when Bryan and I went out into the desert in our wedding garb and took some crazy photos to commemorate our tenth wedding anniversary.

10th anniversary shoot - September 2011

In fact, the past 5 years since I graduated from law school have just whizzed by. I really feel like I started the blog yesterday!

Has it really been five years???

In some ways, it's funny to watch the progression of my posts throughout the years, starting with my 6th wedding anniversary post from Craigie Street Bistrot which had no photos (I know, shocker, can you imagine me posting something without photos today?) to my 8th wedding anniversary post from No. 9 Park (wait did I really skip a year? - I guess 2008 was a bare year for the blog), to our 9th at Menton (yes, we did a Barbara Lynch series for a couple years I guess), culminating in our crazy 10th year menu degustation at Joel Robuchon in Vegas.

How do you follow a crazy ten-year?

By being simple, I guess.

Wedding Day - September 1, 2001

Bryan and I purposely chose Labor Day weekend for our wedding because we liked the idea of always having a long weekend to celebrate our anniversary.

Typically we would love to travel. However, it's been a pretty crazy week for both of us. Bryan just came back from a business trip to SF where he ate at some fantastic restaurants (he recently got a decent point & shoot so I'll actually share his pics). I was in Montreal for work this past week as well (posts on my meals coming very soon!).

Alas, because we've both been away, it's actually really, really nice just to be home.

So we will be enjoying Boston this weekend. On our actual anniversary, we had a fabulous dinner at Uni. I don't want to give it all away now, but I thought I'd share with you just one pic from our 12-course tasting menu (of uni, of course!).
"Uni" at Uni

Tomorrow, we plan on cooking a nice, simple meal at home (maybe pick up some cheese and salumi from Formaggio Kitchen, make Bryan's favorite awesome homemade pasta carbonara, and grill some steaks). It will be low-key but really, really relaxing.

Perhaps we'll kayak on the Charles River, or maybe check out a museum.

I feel like I've been flying to so many places lately, it's actually really nice to be home.

Can't wait to enjoy Boston this weekend!
Happy 11th anniversary!
Bryan and Jen at Uni - Sept 2012
Bryan and Jen being silly the summer before they started dating - July 1996

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