Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Summer in the Pacific Northwest

Stanley Park, Vancouver

The Pacific Northwest is a gorgeous place to visit in the summer. The rain that they get all throughout the rest of the year produces gorgeous, verdant hills that are absolutely breathtaking.

From a food perspective, they have access to some of the freshest produce around.

Last summer, I had a wonderful opportunity to visit this unique region with Bryan’s family. We spent a few days in Seattle (to attend a wedding), before heading up north to Vancouver and Victoria.

Here’s a sneak peak at some of the food we enjoyed on this trip, some of which overlaps with the Oh Canada series. Stay tuned for more detailed posts on some of these places!

A hip brunch spot near the University of Washington famous for its massive fruit toppings bar for pancakes and waffles.

One of the most famous outdoor markets in America, where they throw fish around.
This Vancouver restaurant’s roasted quail is allegedly so famous, people will fly in from Hong Kong to taste this signature dish.

One of the best restaurants in Victoria Island, North of Vancouver. xiao long bao
Only the second of this world famous Taiwanese dumpling shop to open in the U.S. Jen with Camera in Seattle
Jen being caught "on film" taking pictures of Bryan's food . . . .

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