Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! + Lamb Romantic Recipe Challenge


I am one of ten bloggers competing in the American Lamb Board's Romantic Recipe Challenge. Though I've made several lamb dishes, my Lamb Loin with Chili, Mint, and Mustard Seed is the official entry. The winner gets a one year "Lamb of the Month" membership, which means a lot more posts about lamb on this blog if I win!

Anyway, I would love your support! Please click here to vote. Voting is open between February 14th - 28th.

In other news, it is Valentine's Day today. Frankly, it's been years since we've gone out to eat on Valentine's day. I've found that I prefer not to "fight the crowds" on that day. This year, I plan to  pick up some nice ingredients from a local gourmet market, cook, and just enjoy relaxing at home. Maybe we'll put some logs in the fireplace and just chill.

And dream about warmer days.

Just for fun, I'm including some photos from our trip to Australia back in November (yes, it was spring down under during that time). Now that we've finally finished the Japan travel series, we will be moving into a couple more travel series: An exploration "Down Under" and also a look at a few more awesome restaurants in Las Vegas.

Stay tuned!
Riding Camels in the Outback in Uluru, Australia
Diving (for the first time!) at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
Looks like Lord of the Rings! Visiting the forests on the Milford Track in New Zealand

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