Most people have had beets in some form or another, even if it's not freshly roasted beets. However, many people are unaware that the beet greens can be eaten too. In fact, beet greens are more nutritious than the beet root. They not only contain higher amounts of the same vitamins found in beet root, they also contain high amounts of other minerals, such as iron. In fact, beet greens have more iron than spinach!
When you purchase beets with the greens attached, make sure to remove the greens and cook them relatively soon after purchase (3-4 days). Otherwise, the leaves will continue to suck water and nutrients from the beet root, resulting in, eventually, a shriveled and not so pretty beet root. If the greens are removed, beet roots can last for several weeks in the refrigerator.
You can treat beet greens like any other greens. I just sauteed mine with some garlic and vegetable oil, Chinese style! For some "Chinese style" ideas, check out these posts:
Sauteed Hollow Heart Vegetable
Mustard Greens with Garlic
Sauteed Pea Tendrils with Garlic
Beet Greens.. YUMM!! Interesting info on leaving the greens on for to long! Had no idea :)
ReplyDeleteI love beet greens! We sometimes remove ours when using the beets and freeze them for later use. They are easy to saute and taste wonderful!
ReplyDeleteoh your like my mom, she sautes tops of these and makes pickled veggies of radish tops.. and turnips and things... =)
ReplyDeleteI love beets and beet greens..beautiful, nutritious, and delicious! :)