Greetings from Tokyo!
Bryan and I are here because Bryan had a business trip out here, so I decided to tag along. I absolutely love Japan, and what better way to spend my birthday (yes, today's my birthday) than in one of my favorite cities in the world?
This afternoon I trekked out to Kappabashi, Japan's premier destination for restaurant and kitchen supplies. This street is AWESOME! Imagine several city blocks worth of kitchen stores, all selling their own special wares. I saw stores dedicated to miso bowls, knives, fake display food (these were hilarious!), woks, baking supplies, store signs, chairs, and the list goes on and on. The prices were very reasonable (beautiful miso bowls for only a few dollars each!), and the variety of choices was astounding.
It was hard not to buy up the whole street (I have this weakness for pretty Japanese dishware even though my kitchen absolutely cannot fit any more things). I exercised tons of self-restraint and limited myself to buying things I could reasonably carry home.
In other food news, we plan on going back to one of my favorite sushi places as well as checking out a few others. While Bryan's been away during the day, I've been exploring Tokyo's depachika (gloriously diverse and bountiful food stalls in the basements of department stores). There's a ton of amazing food in these basements - definitely something worth checking out!
Anyway, I promise to report back on all the gory details of these food trips soon, complete with tons of photographs (and even video!!!).
Finally, as a reminder, today is the last day to vote for Project Food Blog. Check out my entry here and vote if you are so inclined.
Because I cannot access my photos from my actual camera right now, you are stuck with my iPhone pics!
Domo trying to eat Tokyo while Totoros stare off cluelessly in the distance.
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