More recently, I discovered the Æbleskiver, a Danish pastry that is sort of like a round pancake popover cross-over. Chad, the owner of Aunt Else's (a family run business), was passing out fresh, hot Æbleskiver samples at the Tasting Pavilion. They were divine! I couldn't stop eating them! And they also reminded me of some Asian versions of this cake . . . but more on that later.
He offered to send me a free starter kit to review. I couldn't wait!
I received my starter kit about two weeks ago and I have been experimenting with it.
The first thing you have to do is to season the pan. As a cast-iron newbie, this was new to me. It's not too hard, though a bit messy. You coat the pan in a thin coat of vegetable oil and bake at 400 degrees for about an hour. Make sure to put a thin pan on the lower level to collect any stray oil drippings.
After an hour, the once dark gray pan becomes brownish and is considered "seasoned." It takes on non-stick qualities. You can handwash it, but don't stick it in the dishwasher. Of course, if this happens, you can always re-season by baking the pan again the same way.
Once you're ready to make the Æbleskivers, preheat the pan! This is really important!!!! The first time I tried this the pan was not hot enough and it was a MAJOR FAIL!!! And I had guests over too! It was so embarrassing. The batter stuck to the pan and became a goopy, embarrassing mess. My guests weren't too thrilled with the "bread pudding" that I set out in front of them. *sigh* Please learn from my mistake!
The second (successful) time, I put my electric stove at medium heat and heated the pan for at least 5 minutes, if not more.
The kit comes with a package of mix that's pretty easy to use. You just whisk together 3 eggs with 2 cups water. Then you stir in 2 3/4 cups of the mix. That's it. It's really easy. You don't even have to mix that hard - Chad says it's OK if the batter is a little lumpy.
Fill each hole with a dime sized pool of vegetable oil. (Actually, looking back, it's probably better to add the oil in the beginning before you preheat the pan).
And once you're pretty sure your pan is hot, add the batter. If it's hot enough, it should sizzle like it's frying and the batter should bubble a bit.
Let it cook for several minutes (at least 3 or so?)
The next step is a bit tricky, but Chad has a great video that shows you exactly how to do this. Use a chopstick or knitting needle and flip the half-cooked batter (the edges should already be cooked) 1/4 turn (90 degrees).
Let it cook for another minute or so, flipping 1/8 of a turn each time part touching the pan starts to dry up. This definitely takes some practice, and I don't think I've mastered it yet, which is why my Æbleskivers are not as beautiful as Chad's yet!
The Æbleskivers are done when a toothpick comes out cleanly after being inserted in the middle.
As I was looking at these Æbleskivers, it dawned on me that these look just like Japanese takoyakis! Takoyakis are savory octopus filled cakes that are very popular on the streets of Japan.
After doing some research, I realized that the recipes for takoyaki is eerily similar to the recipe for Æbleskiver. Inspired partly from this recipe, I decided to try adapting it by using the Æbleskivers mix.
I replaced the water with dashi stock and filled the inside of the Æbleskiver with fish cake. Now, takoyaki is traditionally made with octopus (after all, tako means octopus in Japanese). However, octopus may not be that easy to come by in a normal supermarket, and Maki from Just Hungry says that you can substitute the octopus with other things, such as squid, fish cake, or even cut up hot dogs!
Takoyaki Recipe
2 3/4 cups Aunt Else's mix
3 eggs
2 cups dashi stock
optional (2 tsp soy sauce)
cooked octopus leg, cut up into small, 1 cm cubes
Depending on how salty your filling is, you may not need the soy sauce. I did not add any. Although it was a bit light, I thought it tasted OK. It also depends on how salty your dashi stock is.
I made my own dashi stock (I'll post a tutorial soon), but you can also use store bought hondashi powder and make stock that way. It's faster and more convenient, but most likely has MSG and more salt.
If you don't have the Æbleskivers mix, you can always use staple ingredients using this recipe.
Here's a picture of the takoyakis cooking with the kamaboko (Japanese fish cake) inside.
This pan is really versatile, and you can definitely use it to make either Æbleskivers or Takoyakis. I think the holes are bigger than those in a typical takoyaki pan, so you'd be making larger takoyakis. In any event, the finished cakes are delicious! Maybe I'll try those mini-circular Chinese egg cakes next! Again, another one of those foods that transcends multiple cultures. Popovers anyone? :)
The pans are made in Minnesota and have a lifetime warranty. The mix is all organic as well.
The Æbleskivers (or Takoyakis!!!) are best enjoyed hot, but can be reheated in a toaster oven to regain that beautiful crispy crust. I had them for breakfast this whole week. Yum.
Right now, Aunt Else's is generously offering a 10% discount to all Tiny Urban Kitchen readers if you fan or follow Aunt Else's on Facebook, Twitter, or Foodbuzz. You can also visit them at their Foodzie store here. To apply the discount, just type "Tiny Urban Kitchen" and the fan/follow option you chose in the "add special instructions to seller" box during checkout. Plus, right now, there is free Priority Mail shipping anywhere in the US for orders over $50.
These takoyaki look excellent! I can almost smell the yummy warm goodness from your kitchen!
ReplyDeleteNice Asian spin on these Danish pastries! I made some aebleskivers over Thanksgiving and have been meaning to post the review. Every time I'm all set to post it, another blogger puts one up! It's like assault of the social media marketing!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I think the thing that is most impressive about this post is the fact that you've been doing all this cooking on an electric stove all this time?!? That's what my mom has at home too, but I have such a hard time learning to compensate for the lack of heat control.
ReplyDeleteThese are adorable! I'm a sucker for fun cooking gadgets.
ReplyDeleteWhile I have never had takoyaki, this makes me think of the game Katamari, when you get to roll up takoyaki and other Japanese fun foods.
Oh yeah, and if you figure out how to make the Asian egg puffs, please post! I try to get those from Genki every time I'm in SF!
ReplyDeletenice! I have the pan, frozen octopus, beni shoga and the sauces/toppings for a while now, but never got around to doing it! If anyone's up for doing a takoyaki party, do let me know ...
ReplyDeleteI love kamaboko. I used to marvel at the swirly pink ones and the fact that they came in other unholy colors like blue or yellow. I know they're like the Spam of the sea, but we used it in everything. I'm glad you posted this, as people either do a post about aebleskivers or takoyaki, but never mention the two together since they use the same pan!
ReplyDeletehahaha Jen I was just writting mine, I've only did it ok the second try =) it was an adventure for me to say the least... but it tasted good
ReplyDeleteMmm, yeah, I like the Asian spin. Man, foodbloggers get much cooler stuff. The best I can hope for are review copies :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for your kind comments. I really do enjoy reading them.
ReplyDeleteJoy - I've never had a gas stove in my life! When my parents got theirs, I had already gone to college! I'll try to Asian egg puffs next!
Lindsaymeyer & and this blog: I wanted to try to get this review out before Christmas!
I cannot believe how creative you are.
ReplyDeleteHow creative! They look great :D