Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Roasted Fennel, Carrots, Zucchini, and Parsnips

Roasted Fennel - final
As much as I dislike anise, I was surprised to find out how much I loved fennel.  Roasted fennel is sweet, mild, and delicious, and does not really resemble the strong, cringe-worthy (at least for me), scent of anise (think black licorice).  Roast it with whatever other veggies you might have in the fridge, and you've got yourself a simple, healthy, and mouthwatering side dish!
Fennel, Zucchini, Carrots, and Parsnips
If you have never seen a fennel bulb before, it's the white bulb-y thing with greenish stalks/hair sticking up in the photo above.  It sort of reminds of me an onion in some ways, as it is white and has a lot of layers.  This time, I happened to have some zucchini, carrots, and parsnips in the refrigerator.  So, inspired by this post, I chopped up all my veggies and tossed them together with some olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper.  I had some fresh rosemary on hand, so I crushed up the leaves a bit and sprinkled it throughout.
Roasted Vegetables
The larger your pieces are, the longer the roasting time.  I was in a bit of a rush, so I cut up the vegetables into pretty thin slices (less than 1 cm thick) and roasted the vegetables in a single layer.  Roasting in a single layer helps with the browning/caramelization.  If the vegetables sit on top of each other, they tend to just steam.

Roast at 425 degrees for 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of your vegetables.  I would open the oven once during roasting to stir the veggies.  This smells really yummy while it's roasting!

Serve and Enjoy!

Note 1: Allison from Local Lemons says you can preheat the oven with the pans inside so they get hot as well.  I imagine this would help the charring.  I did not do this, but it sounds like a great idea.

Note 2: This recipe is very versatile! Substitute with whatever roasting-type vegetables you might have on hand. I would imagine that eggplant, potatoes, peppers, or squash would be delicious as well!
 Roasted Veggies


  1. i like adding fresh chopped garlic to it as well...usually when i roast zucchini and summer squash. :)

  2. I was surprised to find I like fennel as well!
    I'm actually making a version of this tonight, with fennel, carrots, potatoes, and peppers.

  3. I wasn't fully on board with fennel at first, but roasting it really developed the flavor and the caramelization helps sweeten it. Really great for a base when roasting a chicken; the sweet anise flavor goes nicely with the mellow poultry taste.

  4. I'm like you -- I hate the taste of black licorice, but LOVE the flavor of fennel. Go figure, huh?

  5. OOh I like your new color scheme and chopsticks logo!!
