Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Blog Name AND Url!

The new url is live! is the url for the new site.  I'm still having some problems with broken image links.  Apparently if you host your images on Picasa, Picasa limits the size of the image that can be displayed on another non-google site (e.g.,  Only Blogger sites have the privilege of unlimited image size hosting from Picasa.

Soooo . . . since this blog does not look like a blogspot blog anymore, Picasa will only allow it to display 400px (or smaller) sized "thumbnail" images.

Because most of my images were larger than 400px, they currently appear as broken links.  I've tried fixing some of them, but by no means are they all fixed.  At this point, I have to decide whether to host my images elsewhere or make them all smaller. 

Anyone have any experience or recommendations for favorite image hosting companies? For now, I am shrinking the images.  Going forward, I may just opt to host my images somewhere else.

Welcome again! :)


  1. I like flickr as well. You'll probably have to pay to get a pro account, but it's a pretty nominal fee, and the benefits are sooo worth it!

  2. I don't know what's wrong with the naked domain. It seems like all my settings are OK. Bleh - gotta go to a work meeting, so now time to fix it now. Thanks for all your helpful comments! Maybe I will look into Flickr.

  3. actually a free flickr account might work for you: if you don't need photos larger than 1024px (width or height). the only other real limitations are that you can only see/access the last 200 photos uploaded in your stream (but any linked photos in your blog or elsewhere will continue to work), and 100MB/month upload limit. That being said, i'd agree with joy, pro account is only $25/year and totally worth it (for photo sharing): lifts the above restrictions, and allows more organizational abilities (more sets/collections/tagging/etc).
    no need to rush into it tho... set up a free account and try it out -- can always upgrade to pro at any time later
