Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sugar Snap Peas

Another thing I picked up at the Farmer's Market this past week were sugar snap peas. I really think that sugar snap peas have so much inherent flavor, there's not much that needs to be done for them to taste really good.

In this case, I put the sugar snap peas in a microwave safe container and cooked the snap peas for 1 minute. This was just enough for the snap peas to be lightly steamed yet retain their beautiful bright green color. I also love microwave cooking since it only cooks the food for a little bit, thus preserving nutrients.

I then just sprinkled some sea salt on top. That's it! No oil. Absolutely fat free. It was so simple, yet so delicious. Sometimes, less is more, especially when it comes to fresh farmer's market bounties.

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